
In the SimQuality project, planning tools from the specialist areas of building physics, building energy conception/planning and plant planning are assigned. The focus is on the subfield of thermal and hygrothermal component and building simulation. Representatives of these planning tools, which are also used for the SimQuality test series, are:

IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA ICE)
IDA-ICE has participated in the SimQuality test series.
EDSL-TAS has participated in the SimQuality test series.
NANDRAD – Multizone Building Energy Performance Simulation
NANDRAD (Version 1 & 2) has participated in the SimQuality test series.
ETU Simulation/Hottgenroth Software
ETU has participated in the SimQuality test series.
THERAKLES – Das thermische Raummodell
THERAKLES has participated in the SimQuality test series.
TRNSYS – Das dynamische Gebäude- & Anlagensimulationsprogramm
TRNSYS has participated in the SimQuality test series.
The AixLib-Modelica library participated in the SimQuality test series using the Dymola-Modelica environment.
Overview of the simulation programs which participated in the SimQuality test series.